Derby City
Derby has a special place in the history of green cities as Derby Arboretum was the first green space to be deliberately planned as a place of public recreation in an urban setting, being donated to the City of Derby in 1840.
Get in Touch

Welcome to Derby City Greens. We’re a part of Derbyshire Green Party, working as a campaign group in the city. Over the last four years we’ve worked hard to increase the number of candidates standing in local elections and we’ve increase our vote share in every election.
There are regular meetings in person around the city. Currently we are working to support our general election candidates, and we’ll soon begin campaigning in our target ward with the aim of electing our first Green councillors to Derby City Council.
Sam Ward is our coordinator, you can contact him on
Look out for us on Facebook – Green Party in Derby City, X @DerbyGreens and Instagram
Our General Election Candidates
Helen Hitchcock – Derby North

“Five years ago I stood for the Green Party in Derby North. I’d not long been a member, and standing for parliament was not something I’d ever thought I’d do. But I wanted to be able to vote Green in that election, and I wanted those who voted in the city I’d lived in my whole life to be able to vote Green too.
Since then I’ve campaigned across Derby for the Green Party, helping to build both the number of people who stood as candidates locally, and our vote share across the city.
I’ve raised two young people with my husband. I’ve worked as a musician and instrumental teacher. I’ve been a trustee and volunteer for local charities planting trees and supporting immigrants.
And in that time the reasons I joined and the reasons I stood have only increased in importance. Education cuts to the point the buildings are falling down. The disabled community abandoned and seen as burdens. Healthcare underfunded and privatised by stealth. Public transport and active travel undermined and underfunded. Arts in education and as an industry diminished and being increasingly reserved for the wealthy. Members of minorities treated as easy targets to distract from the failures of the last 14 years.. The increasing inequality in our society. And under it all, the growing climate crisis, ignored at best.
These may seem like national issues, but they are all felt here in Derby. As a Green MP I would do my best to represent Derby on the national level, and campaign to give everyone who lives here a fairer, greener future.
So once again I’m standing as the Green Party candidate for Derby North. The Green Party are the only party with the energy and vision to tackle these issues, who see how they are connected, and want to bring real hope and real change.”
Sam Ward – Derby South