Privacy Policy

Who are We?

This website is run by the Derbyshire Green Party, PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ. Our contact for this website and GDPR or data protection issues is Louis Hollingworth, who can be contacted at

What Data do we Process, and What is the basis of that processing?

If you contact us, we will keep contact information that you supply us for the purposes of answering your question or getting back in touch with you. The lawful basis for processing this data is your consent. 

This website does not use Google Analytics, or similar features that send your IP address and/or other information to a third party server. 

Technical logs are kept by us on our server for the purpose of debugging the website. The information collected here is your IP address, and the lawful basis for processing this data is our legitimate interest. 

With Whom do we share your data?

We will not share your personal information outside of the Derbyshire Green Party unless you request this explicitly or we are required to do so by law. 

The server on which this website is hosted is in Finland. 

How long do we Retain Personal Data for?

We will keep information from our contact form for a period of two years before deleting it from our servers. 

Logs are kept for 30 days. 

Your rights

You have certain legal rights to control what we do with your information. You have the right to get access to your information; to request that we correct or update your information; to object about or request that we restrict processing your data in some circumstances and to receive your information in a portable format. Where processing relies upon your consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time or to request that we delete your information.

If you think we have breached your rights, in any way then, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.  They can be contacted via their website at or by telephoning their helpline on 0303 123 1113